How to Not Let Baby Mama Bother You


Your Boyfriend Is To Blame For His Baby Momma Drama, Here's Why


Baby momma drama gives single fathers a bad name from the jump, even if they have none. Many women prefer not to even bother taking a chance on falling in love with a man that has a child because of the fear that the child's mother will attempt to make her life a living hell.

Let's face it, they aren't wrong for feeling that way. But ladies there are some great single fathers out there that take care of business and keep the bull behind them.

Of course, there's a chance that his baby momma can be a handful, but there are plenty of things that single fathers bring upon themselves. If he consistently has bm drama, he's part of the problem.

Here's why.


He allows her to dictate.

Parenting is a joint operation, but if one person feels that they have all the control, things tend to get tricky. If he allows her to totally dictate how and when he is able to parent their child without him putting a foot down occasionally, she will begin to believe that she can control other areas of his life. That includes thinking that she can control you through him.

She doesn't take his relationship with you seriously.

If his bm doesn't take your relationship seriously, it's because he hasn't reinforced that she needs to respect you as a person and the bond that the two of you share.

Roles have not been established.

For two people to co-parent successfully boundaries have to be established. Being a parent is first and foremost, and the romantic side should be eliminated. Some parents do have special bonds and are able to operate like the best of friends, but the majority of the time co-parents have some trouble getting along. The best thing you can do is play your role. Anything extra can lead to drama.

He may still be tapping that occasionally.

Having sex with the mother of the child while in a relationship with someone else is a big no-no. Trust me, she's not going to keep it on the low. The first time he slips up and pisses her off, she's going to spill all the beans.

He isn't taking care of his parental responsibilities.

The easiest way for a man to get on his bm's bad side is to be a deadbeat dad. Of course, she's going to cause drama for him, and that will bleed over into his relationships. In this case, you definitely can't blame her.

He stirs the pot.

Sometimes men tend to be a little too friendly in order to try to keep the peace and spend as much time with his child as possible without his bm breathing down his back. He may feel that he has to play on her emotions to stay on her good side, but the moment she gets pissed, there's hell to pay.

He allows her to believe she can still have him.

In her mind, his heart is still up for grabs and she thinks she'll always have a piece of it because they have a child together. Now, she could feel this way just because sh has supreme confidence, but more likely than not, she feels she can have him because he never permanently removed that option from the table verbally and with his actions.


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How to Not Let Baby Mama Bother You


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